Thursday, October 13, 2005

My First HNT!!

This was very impromptu. Roximoon kicked my ass and made me do it while I was at work. I took a pic last night at home and had planned on posting, but got distracted (it doesn't take much). That's me... scary and hairy.

Credit goes to osbasso for getting Half-Nekkid Thursday rolling.


Me! said...

Nothing like invisioning you on the porcelein poop monster.

Ailyn said...

not sure i needed to see that


Jon said...

Blame or credit Roxi for forcing me to improvise.

bigwhitehat said...

Why did I come here?

echotig said...

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

Jon said...

BWH/Echotig... sorry for the shock. I knew you 2 would not appreciate this, but I was dared. I just had to. LMAO

Awna said...

Hey, when you gotta go...
; )
Welcome to HNT!

echotig said...

Oh you were dared! That changes everything! What are you going to post a picture of next month???

Wait, you don't even have your entire face on your picture here. Just an eye. How do we even know if thats really YOUR eye?

bigwhitehat said...

Sorry Jon. I just don't like the idea of going to the outhouse with you.

That is nasty!!!!


bigwhitehat said...

By the way. Echotig has you blogrolled. Go look.