I have a headache yet I cannot stop reading blogs. What is wrong with me?
I shipped off the last of Chantel's stuff yesterday. I am glad to have that out of my hair.
Today I got over to my brothers house to get my truck towed to the shop. Mike was out to breakfast with someone, so I went in his house and made myself at home while waiting for the tow truck.
I got on his computer and did some surfing, played some solitaire, but was bored. I went out to his living room and contemplated turning on the TV , but then decided against it. I sat in his recliner and just relaxed. I was about to fall asleep when he and this very young woman came in. Mike said, "you just hanging here with the sick boys?". I was wondering what he meant, but then I turned around. Mike has these 2 twin beds in one end of his long living room. There were people sleeping in both of them. I guess they went to dinner last night to an Irish pub downtown. These 2 both ordered the pork tenderloin (something I probably would have ordered as well). They both got food poisoning from it. Mike said he hardly slept last night since the only bathroom is right outside his bedroom.
I can't believe Erik is turning 8 on Wednesday. He had a sleep-over birthday party last night at Irene's house. They were supposed to all sleep in a tent that was pitched in the back yard. I doubt they slept out there all night. I think I'll call and find out. I went over for burgers and cake.
Kevin turns 13 next month....HELP!!!
I originally wrote and published that Rayette and I were not going out tonight, but she just called and said she needed a break from all of the work she was doing on the house. I was feeling like maybe she didn't want to see me, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I think I am just paranoid. I probably will be with her for a little while yet.
We are going to have another mini party for Erik at my mom's next weekend when I have the boys. I invited Rayette and her boys to come over as well. I don't know if they will. I have tickets for a comedy show on Sunday night (Friends of The Bob & Tom Show) for Mike and Irma and I. Last week when we went out I also invited Rayette. I've had these tickets for a few months. I originally intended to take Chantel. Rayette showed interest in going as well as seeing Mike and Irma again.
Blog reading is so addictive - so is gmail. :)
Happy birthday to your boy, Jon.
Don't sweat 13. It aint that bad unless he is moody.
Do sweat relationship disaster. Some times I think you would dredge up a shipwreck just to board the boat.
Women like you Jon so go find a new one. See, Chrissie is pretty cute and she likes your eyeball. Find a new gal and be smart about it. Most women like a nice ass. Bad women like a dumb ass.
I hate to give you this KITP. I just don’t want to see you become a doormat again. Remember that 13 year old boy. Don’t teach him how to be a doormat too. He needs to see you treat women with respect. But he really needs to see you command respect.
Kevin's not a very moody kid. He has his days. I don't think it'll be too bad. I just need to start monitoring his Internet use more. Erik might be a worse teen when that day comes.
More Rayette posts to come. No, I will not be a doormat. I was asked if she was having me fix her computer or help her with her house. I am a bit surprised, but no she has not. I will always help someone in need. But I am going to draw the line when I am feeling used.
Chrissie is a sweety. She has this obsession with balls. The eye type and the shaved type. LOL. Alas, she is too far to roam ;)
yup, definitely a bit paranoid. u sound like me (and that's kinda scary!)
wow, a teenager. oh boy. i definitely CAN wait for that one.
its so weird to find out that guys have the same paranoid insecurities that we do. i mean, here you go along thinking its just yuo, and you realize that perhaps, just perhaps, everyone's confused all around. seems to be the best solution for that is to lay it out on the table, you know? then again, jon, i'm totally full of shit, and try as i may to prectice what i preach i'm not always wholly successful.
Your problem is that you can't feel that your being used as soon as a normal guy does. You have a high use tolerance. LOL. You're almost too nice, and I know I am not the first to say that. Anyway, good luck drawing the lines. And good luck monitoring the internet!
I do feel it when I am being used, but I also have the high tolerance like Echo said. I am making changes in that area, but you can't expect 180 degree changes over night.
I know some of you think I am doomed here, but you don't really know from reading my posts where my head is. Although what I have written so far about Rayette may make it sound like I am head over heals for her it is not true. I am very cautious about trusting this time around. I think she is a great lady, and I want to give this a go, but I am not letting myself believe that it is going to be some fairytale reunion/romance. This is going to take some work. Both of us know this and we are taking it slow.
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