Wednesday, November 16, 2005

HNT Already?

Holy shit it seems like this is almost a daily event. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy seeing all the skin that you ladies are willing to show. I just have such a hard time coming up with something that is either creative or minimally entertaining. I am trying to not freak anybody out. I feel like I'm letting some of you down.


SignGurl said...

*Whispers in Jon's ear* "I love the shot"

Robin Alexa said...

Hello? Say what?

Jon said...

Thank you... you are all so sweet.

Deb said...

Can you lend me an ear?

Ailyn said...

wow Jon, those are some great responses.

Jon said...

All this from my ear? Hard to believe. I would probably get flooded if I posted a pic of my ... nevermind

Me! said...

I want to come to Colorado just to snip that extra hair growing over your ear. I'll be your personal barber. :-)

Jon said...

That pic was taken last week. I got a haircut on Monday. But if you want the job, it is yours.

Will you trim all the other extra hairs I have? Please?

Anonymous said...

what is this?

HS said...

aw, happy hnt! I know its hard to keep up when you're busy! :)

terry said...

i'm so relieved there are no hairs poking out from INSIDE your ear.

(did i just gross everyone out??)

i'm with chrissie and gigi. ears are fun!

Jon said...

Believe me, I do plenty of maintenance on myself. I don't want to gross anyone out either.

terry said...

all hail the men who understand the importance of grooming...

hey, if we have to remove all unwanted hair, so should you!

Jon said...

I never said anything about removing all hair. Fuck, that would take hours.

terry said...

note: i said unwanted hair... as in the stuff that comes out of ears, noses, and other places where no one really wants to see hair.
and why does this seem to get worse as we get older??

RC said...

That's a nice picture of your ear, but I'm not gay!

Thanks for that great advise on Chrissies blog on where to stand when I'm walking with a girl down the street, just hope I live when I get hit by a car!

Jon said...

I don't like hair growing there either. I got quite a few little trimmers for various trimming. No... I use my tongue for that trimming :P

jazz said...

totally agree with you re: HNT popping up way too quickly for my liking...

thanks for hanging around my blog when i'm not just a naked girl!