Friday, March 03, 2006

Moving Mom

I knew this was coming, but I somehow hoped she would change her mind. My mom has put her house up for sale. As soon as it sells she is moving to Michigan, near my sister.

I have mixed feelings about this move. Part of me is glad because she will be close to my sister. Patti is a very independant person, but I know she misses having family around. We've seen a lot of her this last year or so since my sister Paula died. I know mom will love being near Patti and Patti will love having mom near by.

Her decision to move back to Michigan is also health related. Her 60+ years have smoking has left her with emphysema. She had to go on oxygen about 6 months ago. Things have gone downhill since then. She had bronchitis over Christmas which put her in the ER. She needs to move to a lower elevation that has more oxygen than Colorado.

I feel guilty in that this takes a lot of responsibility off of me. Not that I have to do a lot for my mom (although sometimes she makes lists of things to fix for her house), but it has been worrying me a lot this last year or so about mom's health and having to take care of her when she can't anymore.

Having mom around is a lot of fun. She tells some hilarious stories about our childhood years, and her own. We all have a lot of negative feelings about my dad, but we can laugh about it now. She has been great with my boys.

Christmas is never going to be the same. My brothers and sisters would always travel here for the holidays. Now I'll be the one travelling. This means no skiing in the Rockies around Christmas with my sister. We'll have to schedule it for a different week I guess.

On a good note, this will get me back to Michigan to visit more often. So all you Michigan bloggers be prepared ;)


I just talked to mom. She has already sold the house after being on the market for 2 days.

Now Mike and I are going to help her pack on Sunday. The closing is on the 24th. This is insane!

My other brother billy is coming out as well as my brother-in-law John to help with that move. I am not sure at this point if I am going to make the trek, but I am considering it.

I was freaking out before, now triple that.


terry said...

oh man, welcome to my world! it's hard when your mom is so far away...but it is nice there's other family there.
and you'll get used to new holiday traditions.

Michelle said...

I live in MIchigan.....I'll keep an eye out for your mom...... :) (Where is she moving to?)

bigwhitehat said...

Lift with the legs and keep it between the ditches.