Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Manhattan the day before St. Patrick’s Day is a giant guest bathroom, perfunctorily tidied up and waiting for the world to hang over the bowl. Any bar within a square half-mile of the parade route quadruples its prudent reserve of beer, whiskey and whatever fad concoction the kids are throwing up these days. Walk inside and quaff the giddy scent of anticipation. Tomorrow’s forecast, same as last year: A tsunami of cash amidst a light undertow of broken glass and vomit.

- Bill Scheft "Time Won't Let ME"

1 comment:

Madame X said...

I got so distracted my the bottle of Jame-o!!!

I went to the Parade in NYC once!
I rode the train (they shcedule more for that day) and waded through vomit on the way home!