Friday, January 27, 2006

TAG - The Perfect Partner

I'm supposed to name 8 things that I would have in a perfect partner.

I have been single again for almost 5 years. I have dated a number of women and have seen some of these items in most of them. Will I find someone with all? I doubt it.

1) Must REALLY enjoy sex. I had a relatively sad sex life during my marriage. I NOW know what a good sex life is supposed to be like.

2) Must like my kids and have relatively good kids herself (if she has some).

3) Need a great sense of humor.

4) No hang up about previous relationships. You need to store that baggage in the overhead bin.

5) She must like my music, and not get offended that I don't want to always listen to country (actually I never WANT to, but I will from time to time)

6) She needs to love to go to movies. The big screen is the best way to see a movie.

7) I love to touch. She needs to love to be touched.

8) Good teeth. They don't need to be perfect, but I like a beautiful smile

I am suppose to tag 8 people... I have given up on tagging people, but if you want to do it, please do.


Jon said...

Chrissie - There are a few reasons I like you so much. Here are just 8 of them. Of course there is a whole bunch more. *SMOOCH*

Grace said...

All very reasonable things to ask for in a mate... and all very much describing me.

Hmmm, you had fit all of my requirements except for the ass bit... do you have any ass requirements? :P

Me! said...

You're describing me too! ... Of course you've read my list with a lot more than 8 included. ;-)

Madame X said...

I never wore my retainer so therefore I have crooked teeth and what I think is a not so good smile...Oh well!

Deb said...

Women with baggage is so ---umm---- not good. Emotional baggage is the worst though if you ask me. I'd rather date a woman with a ton of kids than to date a woman who had way too much emotional baggage.

Great list. I'm sure you'll find a woman who has all eight of these! :)

Le Synge Bleu said...

i find it interesting that the movies item made it in there over something like compassion and empathy, or intelligence for that that really so high a priority?

Jon said...

Grace - No ass requirements other than being on my lap.

Chick - You are an over achiever. MUAH!

X - I am sure you are just dumping on yourself. You are beautiful!

Deb - Kids don't bother me too much as long as they aren't out of control.

Roxi - You haven't met me either, technically.

Synge - You're right, but I was in a rush.

Wicked - Just make sure one of those items in your version says "He has to be Jon"