Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Stephen Colbert's Brilliant Monologue

For those of you who missed the speach that Steve Cobert gave at the White House Correspondents Dinner... Here is the transcript. SC is one seriously funny man, but this was the most ballzy thing I have ever scene. Now I have the video link here.

Personally... I am moderate as far as politics go. I don't vote for democrates or republicans. I vote for who I think is the lesser crook.


terry said...

yaaaaaaaaay! more stephen! more more more!

Grace said...

Hey, he looks a lot like the dad from Full House! Am I right?

Jon said...

Yes, he does resemble Bob Saget. But I still can't get over his misshaped right ear. Did he lose a fight long ago?

Deb said...

I absolutely love this guy! He's incredibly intelligent and he's hysterical! I'm with you on the right wing/left wing deal. I sort of went moderate this past year due to all the crap that transpired.

terry said...

he SOOO does not look like bob saget.

(i say this only because i have a major crush on mr. colbert, and am rather icked out by saget!)

Jon said...

Terry, Somehow I knew that would get a reaction out of you ;)

terry said...

don't you go picking on my tv boyfriend...!! ;)

Roxi said...

that was highly entertaining.

Shay said...

I still miss Colbert's reports on the Daily Show though. :(

Rob just doesn't do "this week in god" as well as him either.

Anonymous said...

Great video clip. Thanks. I just sent it to a bunch more people.